
We’ve entered the home stretch of the 2019 legislative session. While there are still many weeks of debate ahead, several recent milestones delineate the framework of the debate for the remainder of the session. VNAs of Vermont staff have compiled a “crossover” report outlining the bills that are in…
Vermont Update In the Statehouse, policy committees raced to finish up their work on policy bills that will head to the the floors of the House and Senate this week. This is an annual mid-session scramble to meet the “crossover” deadline set by House and Senate leaders. Policy committees in one body…
In the first few months of my tenure as executive director of VNAs of Vermont, I shadowed a nurse and a therapist on some home visits. It was the most meaningful part of my orientation to home health. Seeing it in person is the best way to understand the work that home health and hospice agencies do…
Last week, the Administration released a proposed budget for consideration by the legislature. While we are still analyzing the documents, the proposed budget does not appear to include a Medicaid increase for home health services or the Choices for Care long term care waiver program.
Our advocacy activity in the 2019 session is picking up as committee chairs are turning their attention to bills of interest to home health and hospice agencies. We are pleased to report that since our last newsletter, the Senate unanimously passed S.14 , a five-year extension of the existing certificate of need moratorium on new home health agencies. Testimony has not yet been scheduled in the House.
 Imagine a community where everyone is: mentally healthy well-housed financially secure well-nourished physically healthy While we all may wish these outcomes for our own communities and others, are we doing everything we can to get there? Our member organization, Caledonia Home Health Care…
We’ve entered the home stretch of the 2019 legislative session. While there are still many weeks of debate ahead, several recent milestones delineate the framework of the debate for the remainder of the session. VNAs of Vermont staff have compiled a “crossover” report outlining the bills that are in…
We’ve entered the home stretch of the 2019 legislative session. While there are still many weeks of debate ahead, several recent milestones delineate the framework of the debate for the remainder of the session. VNAs of Vermont staff have compiled a “crossover” report outlining the bills that are in…
Vermont Update In the Statehouse, policy committees raced to finish up their work on policy bills that will head to the the floors of the House and Senate this week. This is an annual mid-session scramble to meet the “crossover” deadline set by House and Senate leaders. Policy committees in one body…
In the first few months of my tenure as executive director of VNAs of Vermont, I shadowed a nurse and a therapist on some home visits. It was the most meaningful part of my orientation to home health. Seeing it in person is the best way to understand the work that home health and hospice agencies do…
Last week, the Administration released a proposed budget for consideration by the legislature. While we are still analyzing the documents, the proposed budget does not appear to include a Medicaid increase for home health services or the Choices for Care long term care waiver program.
Our advocacy activity in the 2019 session is picking up as committee chairs are turning their attention to bills of interest to home health and hospice agencies. We are pleased to report that since our last newsletter, the Senate unanimously passed S.14 , a five-year extension of the existing certificate of need moratorium on new home health agencies. Testimony has not yet been scheduled in the House.
 Imagine a community where everyone is: mentally healthy well-housed financially secure well-nourished physically healthy While we all may wish these outcomes for our own communities and others, are we doing everything we can to get there? Our member organization, Caledonia Home Health Care…
We’ve entered the home stretch of the 2019 legislative session. While there are still many weeks of debate ahead, several recent milestones delineate the framework of the debate for the remainder of the session. VNAs of Vermont staff have compiled a “crossover” report outlining the bills that are in…
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