Message from the Executive Director: No longer waiting

I’m don’t usually make New Year resolutions, largely because I’m not a big fan of resolutions. The growth and change I’ve seen in myself has always come from taking a small step in the right direction, and then another, and then another. If I do anything in January, I’ll choose one habit to work on —something that I feel ready and willing to do.
This year, the thing I’m trying to change is my attitude. It’s probably a bigger challenge than I usually attempt.
This year, I’m no longer waiting for this pandemic to be over.
I don’t mean I’m pretending we aren’t having a pandemic. I got my booster. I’ve upgraded to KN95 masks in public. For now, I’m avoiding large gatherings and testing before occasional small ones.
What I mean is that I’m trying to accept what’s happening, because “white-knuckling” isn’t working anymore.
Here’s what’s looking a little different: I’m starting to make jokes at work again. Yes, this surge is serious, and I work in health care. But we need moments of levity and I miss laughing. I’m trying to emotionally separate my concern for what’s happening in my community (and the world) from what’s happening in my life. On a day when the people I care the most about are doing OK, I’m trying to notice and be grateful. On the weekends, I’m making time to bundle up and have fun outdoors on the trails. Heck, I’m writing a VNAs of Vermont newsletter with my personal take on things—something I’ve barely done in two years.
I’m still working really hard to support my members. I’m still trying to be of service in my community.
Does this mean I’ve reached the “new normal” we keep seeing in the media? I have no idea, and already the concept sounds a bit like a trope. But this is my only life, and I don’t want to spend it waiting for something to be over.