Recognizing Hospice Volunteers

Nationally, April 21-27 is celebrated as National Volunteer Week, where we celebrate the contributions of those willing to give their time and attention to helping their communities.
Hospice volunteers give a little something extra: their compassion, during times where individuals and their families may need it the most.
Vermont’s home health and hospice agencies recruit and train dedicated hospice volunteers to provide extra support to Vermonters at the end of their lives.
Through VNAs of Vermont member agencies hospice volunteers create lasting memories of comfort and care for the patients and families they serve every day, helping people to live their best lives as fully as possible.
We want to thank the dedicated hospice volunteers who work with Vermont’s home health and hospice agencies to provide support to hospice patients and staff.
Do you want to help make a difference for Vermonters at the end of life, and their families? Reach out to your local home health and hospice agency to get more information about becoming a hospice volunteer.