Elizabeth J. Davis Scholarship

The Elizabeth J. Davis Scholarship was established to assist home care professionals with obtaining advanced degrees and students seeking bachelors or associate degrees in a health profession. The scholarship is available to any Vermont resident who is studying for a degree in a health care profession and who plans to work in home care in Vermont upon completion of the program. To be eligible for the scholarship, a student must be enrolled in a certified college (does not have to be a Vermont college) and must be studying either nursing (RN and LPN), physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, or medical social work. To apply, the student must contact the Vermont Student Assistant Corporation (VSAC) for an application. Two brief essays are required. There is no financial requirement although financial need is considered. The awards range from $1,000 to $3,000.

For deadline and instructions on how to apply, please click here (see page 9).

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